Snel letters met accenten typen (2024)

Snel letters met accenten typen (1)

Vóórkomen is iets anders dan voorkómen. Dat snappen we dankzij accenten op de letters. Accenten typen is een fluitje van een cent. Weet u al hoe het moet?



4,3 (30 stemmen)

Letters met 'streepjes'

U kent ze wel: trema's, accenten en umlauts. Tekens die verbonden zijn met een bepaalde letter. Ze kunnen bijvoorbeeld het verschil aangeven tussen 'een man' (lidwoord) of 'één man' (telwoord).

De tekens zijn niet direct beschikbaar op het toetsenbord maar met een trucje wel snel te typen. U vindt op elk toetsenbord een accent aigu ('), trema of umlaut ("), accent grave (`), accent circonflex (^) of tilde (~). Het zijn zogenaamde dode toetsen.


Die term is ontleend aan de typemachines van voorheen. Bij elke aanslag wordt de 'wagen', zoals de bewegende bovenkant van het apparaat wordt genoemd, verplaatst. Maar bij dode toetsen blijft de wagen staan. Dus het volgende teken wordt op dezelfde positie getypt. Dus men toetste eerst een ' en daarna een e . Het resultaat was een é .


Druk op de '-toets en daarna op de e. Het teken é verschijnt vervolgens. Handig om te weten toch? Even op een rij:

  • Een ' met een a, e, i, o, u, y of c geeft respectievelijk een á, é, í, ó, ú, ý of ç.
  • Een " met een a, e, i, o, u, of y, geeft respectievelijk een ä, ë, ï, ö, ü, of ÿ.
  • Een ` met een a, e, i, o of u, geeft respectievelijk een à , è, ì, ò, of ù.
  • Een ^ met een a, e, i, o of u, geeft respectievelijk een â, ê, î, ô, of û.
  • Een ~ met een a, o of n, geeft respectievelijk een ã, õ, of ñ.

Numeriek toetsenbord van Windows

Windows-gebruikers hebben nog een optie om snel tekens te typen. Dit werkt met het zogeheten numerieke toetsenblok, dat u aan de rechterkant van het toetsenbord vindt. Ieder teken heeft een zogeheten alt-code. Houd de Alt-toets ingedrukt terwijl u deze cijfercode intoetst op het numerieke toetsenblok. Laat daarna de Alt-toets los. Zo heeft de ë de Alt-code 0235. Dus druk de Alt-toets in en typ 0235 en laat de Alt-toets weer los. Op deze pagina vindt u een tabel met diverse Alt-codes (gebruik de Alt-codes waar in kolom cp een 1 staat):

Werkt het bij u niet? Zorg dat NumLock is ingeschakeld. U vindt de NumLock-toets linksboven op het numerieke toetsenblok.

Toetsenbord van de Mac

Werkt u met een Mac-computer, dan kunt u simpelweg een letter langer ingedrukt houden. Er verschijnen dan opties voor de letter inclusief accent. Druk bijvoorbeeld de letter e langer in en u kunt kiezen uit zeven opties. Druk op het toetsenbord op het cijfer dat hoort bij de letter die u wilt hebben. Drukt u bijvoorbeeld bij de letter e op het cijfer 2, dan krijgt u é.

Meer over dit onderwerp

  • Accenttekens typen op iPad en iPhone
  • Letters met accenten typen in Android

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Snel letters met accenten typen (2024)


Why doesn't my toddler answer questions? ›

Many toddlers with language delays have difficulty learning to answer questions. Common problems include: Repeating or the last few words of the question rather than answering. Answering incorrectly such as shaking their heads yes when you ask them a question with 2 choices.

Why does my child understand words but not speak? ›

In this case a child might be developing pronunciation skills out of order or not at all. It can be very challenging for some children to learn the coordinated, rapid, and precise movement of the lips, the tongue, and all the parts of your mouth that you use for talking.

Why did the 9/11 attacks happen? ›

9/11 resulted from the confluence of multiple factors. Islamic extremism was stirred by the Iranian Revolution, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan and the assassination of the Egyptian president. That extremism turned anti-American because of U.S. support for Israel and repressive and secular Arab regimes.

What do I do if my 5 year old is not talking properly? ›

If your child might have a problem, it's important to see a speech-language pathologist (SLP) right away. You can find a speech-language pathologist on your own, or ask your health care provider to refer you to one. The SLP (or speech therapist) will check your child's speech and language skills.

Should a 2 year old be able to answer questions? ›

As you engage in conversation with your toddler, you may notice that they're now able to answer questions. If you ask a “Where” or “What” question, a 2-year-old can typically answer this.

Why does my toddler not answer questions just repeats? ›

When the Child Repeats your Question Instead of Answering. Echolalia when responding to questions is extremely common. This usually stems from the child not knowing how to answer the question appropriately but it can be very difficult to teach the child to answer the question if all he does is repeat the last word.

What is Einstein's syndrome? ›

What is Einstein syndrome? Einstein syndrome is a condition where a child experiences late onset of language, or a late language emergence, but demonstrates giftedness in other areas of analytical thinking. A child with Einstein syndrome eventually speaks with no issues, but remains ahead of the curve in other areas.

How do I know if my child has aphasia? ›

Symptoms of aphasia
  • Word-finding difficulties (your child feeling like the word is on the tip of their tongue)
  • Using the wrong word for something (with or without realizing it)
  • Using vague language.
  • Difficulty making sentences or telling stories.
  • Challenges understanding directions.
  • Difficulty spelling or writing.

What is verbal apraxia? ›

When you have apraxia of speech, the messages do not get through correctly due to brain damage. You might not be able to move your lips or tongue the right way to say sounds. Sometimes, you might not be able to speak at all. Apraxia of speech is sometimes called acquired apraxia of speech, verbal apraxia, or dyspraxia.

How many firefighters died in 911? ›

On Sept. 11, 2001, 343 firefighters and paramedics were killed, most when the towers collapsed. Now, an equal number have died from 9/11-related illnesses, the FDNY says.

How many people escaped the Twin Towers? ›

After the towers collapsed, only 20 individuals in or below the towers escaped from the debris, including 12 firefighters and three Port Authority police officers.

How many floors were in the Twin Towers? ›

Welcome to the world image

Its transmission tower with broadcast antennas added about 360 feet more. The South Tower stood over a quarter-mile tall at 1,362 feet. Each of the Twin Towers had 110 floors. Each tower's footprint and floors were approximately an acre in size.

Why does my kid never shut up? ›

There are lots of reasons kids talk too much. They may just be passionate about a topic and want to share every single detail about it. Kids may also talk nonstop if they're stressed out. They may not know how to calm themselves, so they talk and talk.

Do gifted kids talk a lot? ›

You may have also heard that smart children talk a lot — it's a common “gifted” trait. While early reading can point to a high probability that a child is smart, some very smart children don't talk early or talk much.

At what age should you worry if your child isn't talking? ›

Many toddlers don't talk much but catch up later. Children who say fewer than 50 different words or who do not put words together by 24 months are late to talk. More than twenty years of research tells us that most late talkers do fine on language tests by age five. Language may never be their strength.

Why does my toddler ignore my questions? ›

Why is he ignoring you? As preschoolers become more independent, they get better at tuning out what they don't want to hear. So try not to get too annoyed if your preschooler ignores you from time to time, says Roni Leiderman, associate dean of the Family Center at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale.

How to get your toddler to respond to questions? ›

Tips to help your child answer questions
  1. Use a visual to teach the 'wh' word types.
  2. Keep the question word the same and offer prompts such as giving 2 options.
  3. Use visuals to help children answer retell questions.
  4. Focus on here and now questions.

Why is my 2 year old not responding to commands? ›

Child Responsiveness to Name and Command

Children who do not respond to their names or to simple commands may be indicative of having autism. This sign of autism falls under the category “social skills” and calls for the intervention of a pediatrician for a response evaluation.

What age should a child answer when questions? ›

4 years old:

At this age, children should appropriately answer all wh-questions including “when” questions.


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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.